To configure meta tags, social links or theme display, update key in the app.config.ts
at the root of your project:
export default defineAppConfig({
alpine: {
/* configuration goes here */
You can look at the default config.
The config schema also gives comments on all the configuration parameters.
Meta tags
Configure the title, description and social image of your website:
export default defineAppConfig({
alpine: {
title: 'Buysanchly Toprak',
description: 'The minimalist blog theme',
image: '/social-card-preview.png',
// image can also be an object:
image: {
src: '/social-card-preview.png',
alt: 'An image showcasing my project.',
width: 400,
height: 300
Social links
To configure the social links displayed in the footer, use the socials
export default defineAppConfig({
alpine: {
socials: {
twitter: 'nuxtlabs',
instagram: 'wearenuxt',
linkedin: {
icon: 'uil:linkedin',
label: 'LinkedIn',
href: ''
mastodon: {
icon: 'simple-icons:mastodon',
label: 'Mastodon',
href: '',
rel: 'me'
Theme display
Header and Footer can also be customized via the app.config.ts
alpine: {
// Remove header with header: false
header: {
position: 'inline', // possible value are : 'none' | 'left' | 'center' | 'right' | 'inline'
logo: false
// Remove header with footer: false
footer: {
credits: {
enabled: true, // possible value are : true | false
repository: '' // our github repository
navigation: false, // possible value are : true | false
position: 'center', // possible value are : 'none' | 'left' | 'center' | 'right'
message: 'Follow me on' // string that will be displayed on the footer (leave empty or delete to disable)
// Disable back to top button: false
backToTop: {
text: 'Back to top',
icon: 'material-symbols:arrow-upward'